Acne is a predominant skin trouble that makes its appearance at least once in any person’s lifetime. While its most common occurrences are on our face, the truth is, no part of our body seems to be capable of escaping its clutches – not even our butts that remain mostly unexposed.
If the itchiness and irritation caused were not uncomfortable enough already, having lumps on the most unexpected body part only increases that twofold. During the summer, having to deal with acne on our posterior is especially troublesome.
On top of that, people find it embarrassing to discuss their derriere distress, adding to their woes. Through this article, we aim to provide clarity on butt acne, its causes, and treatment.
The red bumps that appear on our bums and surrounding regions have slight variations from facial acne.
To begin with, let us understand what causes these skin irritations to appear.
As unlikely as it may seem, your backside has pores too, and just like any others of their kind, they can get clogged and lead to form acne as well.
However, this is only one of the reasons for the breakouts. In reality, most blemishes on the rear end are unlike the true acne we get on our face or neck. While they appear very similar to regular acne, butt acne, or simply “buttne” are caused due to different factors.
The most common and probable ones of these causes are listed below.
Nearly all areas of skin on our body have hair follicles, including our bum regions. When these follicles become irritated, they turn red and become swollen, giving the appearance of acne.
Initially considered pretty uncommon, experts have noted the rise in buttne cases in recent years, possibly due to the friction caused by tight clothing. Sweating and wearing clothes made of non-breathable materials are contributing factors.
Furthermore, infectious bacteria can also cause hair follicle irritation.
When the folliculitis infection becomes severe, they form a cluster of painful boils. They have nasty pus and cause discomfort but are not beyond the point of treatment.
Although they differ from their facial counterparts, pimples on your butt do share one thing in common with them: they are both treatable.
One of the most prescribed treatments by dermatologists is using products formulated specifically to remove butt acne. The ingredients they possess are different from regular acne products, making them all the more effective.
Here’s where this question pops up: What is this composition that will treat buttne efficiently?
Made with the finest anti-inflammatory herbs, this no-additives, no-artificial-fragrance, and lightweight spray formulation is your answer to controlling acne, pimples, and other skin inflammations on the butt and thigh areas.
Its quick-absorbent property penetrates deep into the skin and purifies it from impurities. In addition, earthvedic’s policy of utilizing 100% Ayurvedic ingredients, along with our hygiene-friendly and cruelty-free practices, make this a ‘must have’ essential.
For best results, cleanse the affected areas and pat the skin dry before applying the product. Apart from this, wearing comfortable and loose clothes and bathing with warm water will improve the outcome.
With consistent use of this top-notch spray formulation, you will be ready to don that new swimsuit and show off your killer beach body!
So, what’s with the wait then? Go and grab a spray for yourself right now.