
The season of the solar fury is upon us!

Days spent basking in its glory and in deciding which flavor of ice cream to eat are beyond us.

The sun is a notoriously well-known aggravator of our pitta dosha. When the dosha gets accumulated in excess and causes an imbalance, it affects our body direly, with a chunk of the impact directed towards our skin.

Summer has always posed a challenge when it comes to skin protection since our skin is at its most vulnerable during this time.

Undesirable issues like rashes, itchiness, sunburns, acne breakouts, and clogged pores decide to pop out of nowhere, making you think twice before heading out without hiding your face.

First, let us gain an understanding of how our skin gets affected:
The rise in the sun’s temperature combines with humid weather and searing heat to cause the sebaceous glands of the skin to produce excess oil.

This makes the skin appear oilier than before, with dryness and patchiness as bonuses.
People who have naturally oily skin have it worse than the others, since they are more prone to unpleasant acne breakouts caused as result of the bacteria and oils in the skin mixing with their sweat.

Although the rays can be relentless, there are ways to protect the glow of your skin from the glowing sun.

The sun is blazing
Heat is scorching
Summer is officially here!
Skin’s all drying
Oily enough to be frying
We’ve got tips, so have no fear!


Enriched by the power of Ayurveda and backed by experts, here are a few skincare tips you can have up your sleeves to maintain healthy and radiant skin:


As has already been established, the most concerning thing to do is shielding your skin from dust and dirt.

An effective solution to this would be to use a face wash that suits your skin type to remove all the impurities that get accumulated from a long day out.

One of the most widely recommended homemade face washes is the Milk and Honey Cleanser.

Here’s how you can make it:

  • Take 1 tsp of honey and mix it well with 2 tsp of raw milk until you get a yellowish paste.
  • Then, proceed to apply it to your skin evenly. Ensure that your face is clean before doing this.
  • Gently massage the areas you had applied the lotion on for a solid 2-3 minutes.
  • You can let the lotion sit on your face for 5-10 minutes or rinse it off immediately with warm water.
  • Use a towel to pat your face dry. Avoid rubbing.


During summer, your body and skin both need hydration and moisture more than anything else. A face pack or a face mask are vital in this regard.

After washing your face, gently apply the pack/mask as instructed and leave it there for the night to achieve optimal rehydration and skin repair.

Let’s take the scenario of Milk and Honey yet again. This combination is said to work wonders as a face pack as well.

Here’s how:

  • Take 1 tsp of honey in a container and mix it well with 1 tsp of milk.
  • Place the container in a microwave oven and heat it for a few seconds, until it gets warm.
  • Then, proceed to apply the paste to your face in a circular motion. Avoid sensitive areas around your eyes, nose, and mouth.
  • Let the mask sit on your face for 10 to 15 minutes.
  • Wash it off with cool water and pat your face dry with a soft towel.


If you’re looking for a breakthrough in attaining a skin that is as soft as a cloud and as smooth as butter, your answer is exfoliation.

The best way to exfoliate the dead cells, acne, and impurities from your face is by using a face scrub.

Milk and Honey get the spotlight yet again.

Here’s how you can make a scrub out of the ingredients:

  • Take 1 tsp of raw honey, 1 tsp of milk, and 1 tsp of ground almonds and mix them until they form a thick paste.
  • Gently massage the scrub across your skin.
  • Rinse it off completely, then press a towel against your face in a light motion.

Give your skin the extra care and attention that it seeks during the summer, and don’t forget the golden trio of sparkling summer skin:
Wash – Hydrate – Exfoliate!

Give these tips and products a shot and let us know how they worked for you!

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