
We’re currently living in alarming times as India’s COVID-19 trajectory is hitting an all-time high.

With the number of cases and casualties witnessing an exponential increase by the day, no one is spared from the wrath of the virus.

As more and more states begin to impose lockdowns and restrictions, we need to come together as a nation and present a united front against our common enemy, now more than ever.

Time and again, medical professionals have been advising us to stay indoors, practice social distancing, wear a mask while we’re out, and wash our hands regularly; to stand a chance at surviving the pandemic and retrieving the good old times, one has to follow these steps religiously.

For those who have no choice but to head out, socially distancing themselves from others or wearing a mask is an effortless job. What does pose a challenge, however, is washing their hands.

One does not always have a ready-to-access water supply at arm’s length, but washing one’s hands and exercising hand hygiene is of paramount importance. What does one do during such times?

That is where hand sanitizers come to your aid!

Using hand sanitizers is a piece of advice we’ve all heard oft-times in the recent past. However, there are a few guidelines that one must adhere to, to reap benefit from the product.

Here’s your go-to guide for hand sanitizer dos and donots to remain germ-free, curated by Team earthvedic:

  • DO use sanitizers that are alcohol-based. Both ethyl and isopropyl alcohol sanitizers will do the trick, as long as the product contains at least 60% of either of the ingredients.
  • DO NOT expose sanitizers to young children without adult supervision. As is evident, sanitizers are not consumable and could potentially cause alcohol poisoning.
  • DO rub all surfaces of your hands thoroughly for about 20 seconds. Gently apply it to all areas of your hand until it gets dry.
  • DO NOT pour an excessive amount of sanitizer on your hand since it will render your skin dry immediately.
  • DO make it a point to sanitize your hand before and after you touch a surface that is to be used by many people. Example: Public restrooms, doorknobs, stair railings.
  • DO NOT use a sanitizer if your hands are filled with mud, sand, or grease as the purpose of the product will be rendered ineffective.
  • DO wash your hands after sanitizing if you are going to consume food. If you are not near a water source, then wait until the sanitizer is completely dry before proceeding to eat.
  • DO NOT use a sanitizer to remove harmful chemicals. If you’ve come in contact with chemicals, ensure to rinse it off with soap and water. Using a sanitizer could potentially aggravate the situation.
  • DO store the sanitizers in a secure and cool location, away from possible heat sources.
  • DO NOT make a concoction on your own. Medical professionals have advised people against doing so, and believe that buying a product manufactured by experts is a far more secure option.

Despite handing out all these instructions and information, what matters at the end of the day, is if and how you choose to follow them.

The fight against the virus is far from over. Let us all acknowledge that fact and ensure the safety of us and our kith and kin!

Stay home. Stay safe.

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